Rev. Michael J. McCue, OSFS

Rev. Michael J. McCue, OSFS

First Profession:
August 14, 1982

Final Profession:
September 24, 1988

June 2, 1990

Faculty, Bishop Ireton High School; Parochial Vicar, Our Mother of Consolation; Pastor, Holy Infant, Immaculate Conception Cathedral; Director, De Sales Service Works

Present Ministry:
Spiritual Director – De Sales Service Works                                                                       Parochial Vicar – Immaculate Conception Cathedral Church – Diocese of Camden

What was a favorite course you had in school, from grade school thru grad school?  Education is an amazing blessing and so many classes and teachers have been my favorite.  I will single out two.  In high school I took a two week elective that focused on the First World War, in particular English poets from that conflict. That fed a love of history and introduced me to poetry that connected to current issues.  Second was a Christology class taught by Sister Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ.  Everything about class and teacher was uplifting and wise and aimed to connect us to Christ.  Plus she speaks with a great NY C accent.

Why is Salesian gentleness so important to you?  Our world can be pretty superficial, fast-paced, aggressive, self-promoting, competitive, loud, and ego driven.  Gentleness counters all these impulses.

If you were asked to select a motto by which to live - other than De Sales' Live Jesus, what would it be?  I would pick "Truth."  Truth is a very helpful reality - even if I don't want to hear it at times or don't want to share it.

What do you miss about living in a time when there was less technology?  Why?  I think we forget we can do things without technology.  I'm thinking of how I often see people press the automatic opener at doorways, when actually pushing a door open would work fine, be a bit of exercise, and save energy.

Pope Francis continues to both inspire and challenge. What is most inspiring about him and what is most challenging?  Pope Francis seems to be completely committed to faith in Jesus.  This comes through in his hopeful attitude and in his preaching.  

Of all the gifts friends and family have given you, what is a favorite.  A friend, Ed Zampitella, gave the Oblates a house for addicts and alcoholics in the program he started.  The house was restored from a state of complete ruin to nearly working order.  Every time I think of the gift, I am awed by his generosity.  A freedom and generosity is typical of the way he lives his life.

On a bad day, how do you make it a little better?  Connecting with someone positive who can give enough perspective for me to realize how good I have it - even on the worst day.

What is a favorite Scripture quote or passage?  There are so many favorites.  Right now I am taken with this scene from the Acts of the Apostles 3.  When he [the crippled man begging] saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked for alms.  But Peter looked intently at him, as did John, and said, "Look at us."  He paid attention to them, expecting to receive something from them.  Peter said, "I have neither silver or gold, but what I do have I give you:  in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, [rise and] walk."