Rev. Patrick T. O’Connor, OSFS

Rev. Patrick T. O’Connor, OSFS

First Profession:
July 29, 1989

Final Profession:
January 27, 1996

May 31, 1997 

Faculty, Bishop Ireton High School, Bishop Verot High School; Parochial Vicar, St. John Neumann, St. Brendan the Navigator, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Ann; Administrator, Mision Jesus Obrero

Present Ministry:
Pastor – Jesus the Worker Parish (Jesus Obrero) – Diocese of Venice

Personality by Pixels

What is your favorite church hymn?
English:  Jesus, The Lord.  Spanish:  Angeles Volando.

What book or film remains meaningful for you?  Why?
Movie:  The Mission - through the ages, there is suffering and injustice.  How will you respond in your age?  Responding with creativity and the peace and love of Christ is the only response to build the kingdom, gathering into and living in the midst of the life of those on the periphery.  Through Christ, uniting your life with theirs, their suffering with yours, their destiny with your destiny, their joy with yours.  This is the Christian life in its fullest.

How do you pray best?
When I celebrate Mass, I pray in body, mind, heart and spirit.  With all that I am, I encounter God and his love.

How do you think Salesian humility can make a difference in the world?
When looking at the leadership in our world these days it seems people are drawn to charismatic personalities who are more flash and personality over having substantive policies and plans.  Often leaders who are narcissistic, self-impressed, and narrow minded.  I believe Salesian humility ? and gives good example of what a just and good leader is to leaders and people and society alike.  Someone more concerned for something good and ? than himself, which benefits all the people of God, especially the most needy among us.

As Pope Francis calls all to live  the Gospel with joy, what gives you joy as an Oblate?
I find joy in knowing I am working in union with God - helping to build his kingdom of love.

If a young man were to be inspired by your vocation, what would you hope would inspire him?
My work, my efforts to live in community, and share the Christian life with the needs in our society, and that these efforts come from and lead to the love of God.