A Wild Love

In my previous role as an administrator at St. Francis de Sales School, I was part of the team who would review our students’ Candy Grams prior to sending them to our sister schools. As you probably know, a Candy Gram is a card with a piece of candy where one can write a short, personalized message to the recipient.

Since our students are called the Knights, we review these Candy Grams to ensure the messages are “appropriate for a Knight.” We let them know this prior to the purchase of the Candy Gram, and I happily report that it is rare to pull a message. I believe this same practice is followed in prisons and the military.

During one of these review sessions, I came across a wonderful Candy Gram from a young Knight named Ben. Ben wrote a kind message stating, “Samantha, you are the prettiest, smartest girl I know.” The next Candy Gram was also from Ben. It said, “Lindsay, you are the prettiest, smartest girl I know.” With both Candy Grams going to the same school, I suspect Ben was going to learn a hard lesson. Young love can be reckless.

With my own relationship with God, I forget that God’s love can be like Ben’s love. I often lean towards a God who loves more like a grandparent; steadfast, calm, wise love. This is true, but God’s love is also like Ben’s; young, wild, and reckless. A God who sends candy grams to us, “Joe, you are everything to me.” “Pam, you are everything to me.” John, you are everything to me.”

Francis de Sales recognized this love of God in the biblical book, the Song of Songs. The Song of Songs details the journey of two lovers as they search for one another. In the beginning of the Song of Songs, the young lady shows her heart by saying, “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth - for your love is more delightful than wine” (1:2). In response, her lover says a few verses later, “How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves” (1:15). These may be the best candy gram lines I have ever seen! I read this scripture and blush.

Ben’s Candy Grams continue to remind me of God’s young, reckless, and wild love for me. How should I respond this week? What do I write back?

Fr. Joe Newman, OSFS


Toledo- Detroit Province

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