An Exercise to Live the Salesian Now

I suggest this prayer exercise to help us live this Salesian Now. Each day make time to:

  1. Use a comfortable space or go to your Prayer Place.

  2. Light a candle or turn on a batteried candle.

  3. Place your feet on the floor.

  4. Become aware of your breathing:

    • Breathing in God’s life-giving breath.

    • Exhaling what is not of God: anxiety, stress, life-taking thoughts.

  5. Think about where you’ve seen God.

    • Picture that good and hold your heart to appreciate and thank God for it.

    • Then place that thought in a gratitude bag or box, in your mind and heart, or in an actual bag or box that you create.

  6. Think about any losses that you grieve.

    • Picture that person or situation and hold your heart again, now for healing.

    • Then honor each of these events and let them go.

    • They will remain until you can honor them in new ways.

  7. Now become aware of your breathing again.

    • Thank God for your time together, or name whatever you are feeling.

    • Ask God to help you live into each “Now” today.