Living in the Now

We are at the beginning of a new year. St. Francis de Sales has a prayer for this time

“I pray that God, in his goodness, will grant you a good beginning, a better continuation, and a perfect ending to this New Year that now welcomes you!”

I find this prayer helpful and hopeful. What more could we want than a good beginning? A good beginning gives one a fine foundation for whatever may come each day of this new year. I’m reminded of the hymn: “How firm a foundation O saints of the Lord; is laid for your faith in His excellent Word.” As we begin a New Year, 2024, turning to our faith in Jesus, turning to the Word of God, turning to the Liturgy of the Church, turning to those people who live their faith in Him, will comfort us or challenge us or fill us with Peace. May God grant each of us a good beginning by turning to the foundation of our faith.

“A better continuation.” Please God, let the year be good, no matter what comes. Even if times are tough, even in a world riddled with war and violence in word and deed, let us keep our focus on you. Then, no matter what happens, our foundation, our faith in Jesus Christ, will help us have “a better continuation” by finding Jesus throughout the year. I worked with a priest who preached: “Baptism does not guarantee us a Johnson and Johnson Baby Formula life, no more tears, no more suffering. What Jesus promises is a life where, no matter what happens, we will not be alone and with the support of the living Body of Christ, we can find a way, we can even find hope.”

“And a perfect ending.” Who knows how 2024 will end or when it will end for each of us. Since only God is perfect, a perfect ending means learning and living God’s will, no matter what comes our way. I was talking with a cleaner at a rest stop recently, who wished me a “Good New Year.” I responded, “I pray the same for you.” She then added, “There will be some tears.” Yes, most likely there will be some tears, but just as a rainstorm can produce a rainbow, so too, life’s tears can produce a deeper awareness of God’s goodness to us and life’s blessings. It may take a while to see them, but God promises to be with us always. As my bumper sticker version of St. Francis de Sales’ “Will of God’s Good Pleasure” reads: “Life Happens! God is here. Look! Listen!” 

St. Francis de Sales also advised: “Do not look forward to what might happen tomorrow. The same everlasting God who cares for you today, will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either God will shield you from suffering, or God will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.

 In other words, try to stay living in the “Now.” Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come and when it does come, it will be a new “Now.” So stay focused on each new day of this new year. We can’t change the past. We can let go of our regrets or make amends where needed. We can’t control tomorrow. We can only live into it, one moment, one event, at a time. And so, don’t grow anxious about what might happen. That’s easier said than done, I know. But exercise your “Now Muscle,” which can strengthen our trust in God’s unconditional love God.

Click here for tips to live the Salesian Now.

May God bless you throughout this new year of 2024. May it have a good beginning, continuing to find God with you throughout the year, and end made perfect by seeking and living God’s will

May God be praised.

Fr. Paul Colloton, OSFS, D.Min.


DeSales Centre Oblate Residence, Childs, MD

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