Mardi Gras: St. Francis de Sales on pre-Lent Preparation

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As Catholic Christianity spread throughout Europe, different cultures celebrated the time before Lent in their own ways, adapting practices to suit their cultures. In France, the day before Ash Wednesday became particularly popular as people feasted on foods that would be given up during the forty days of Lent. Meats, eggs, and milk were finished off in one day, giving the holiday its French title of “Mardi Gras”, which literally translates as “Fat Tuesday.”

In the time of Francis de Sales, the great French saint, the intent of Mardi Gras was to indulge. However, he surely would have reminded his flock, in the words of one his famous maxims, “All good things in moderation.”  DeSales taught, as can be read in the book, “Sermons of St. Francis de Sales on Lent,” about the importance of properly preparing our hearts for this holy season.

For many, Lent focuses on external symbols and acts, such as being marked with ashes and the external mortifications of “giving up” things. St. Francis de Sales places attention on the internal transformations of the heart during Lent.  His writings and sermons often relied upon metaphors to express a deeper spiritual teaching. In this case of a marked internal transformation of the heart, he used the image of an almond tree as understood in botany during the early periods of the Renaissance.

“Men engaged in horticulture tell us that if a word is written on a sound almond seed and it is placed again its shell, carefully wrapped up and planted, whatever fruit the tree bears will have that same written word stamped on it. For myself…I cannot approve the methods of those who try to reform a person by beginning with external things, such as bearings, dress, or hair. On the contrary, it seems to me that we should begin inside. ‘Be converted to me with your whole heart,’ God said. ‘My child, give me your heart.’  Since the heart is the source of actions, as the heart is, so are they…

For this reason, I have wished above all else to engrave and inscribe on your heart this holy, sacred maxim, LIVE JESUS! I am sure that your life, which comes from the heart just as the almond tree comes from its seed, will after that produce all its actions — which are its fruits — inscribed and engraved with this sacred word of salvation.”

Although we may enjoy the celebratory spirit of Mardi Gras, let us also use these few remaining days of pre-Lent to prepare properly.  With the inspiration and guidance of St. Francis de Sales, may we ready our hearts for the interior transformation we are called to as God’s children. 

God be praised!

Fr. Steve Shott, OSFS

DeSales Weekly:

DeSales Weekly Editor: Rev. John (Jack) Kolodziej, OSFS

