Transfigure Us, O Lord, to Live You!

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Last Sunday was the Transfiguration Gospel of the Second Sunday in Lent. We heard God’s call to Abram and Sarai to “go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and your father’s house to a land that I will show you.”(Gen 12:1). Both readings invite us to see with faith eyes and call for trust in God and for our transfiguration to shine like the Son.

When has God’s call to see or be different meant you stepped out in trust? Have people commented: “You’re beaming,” “You look different, at peace, happy, whole?” Transfiguration Sunday and our Lenten journey are about living our baptismal commitment to “Live Jesus,” always and in all ways.

A dozen students and staff gather on campus to feed on homemade soup and the Sunday readings. One student commented this past week that it must have taken Abram’s huge trust in God to go forth and leave all that was familiar and do what God asked. He and Sarai left all, and trusted God’s promises of numerous descendants and to make Abram a blessing for all the communities of the earth, all. What is it like to trust God like that?  Did Abram and Sarai shone with God’s light like the transfigured Jesus?

Another student talked about becoming a student missionary and leaving all that was familiar to witness his faith in Jesus. Why? He hopes that his example and presence invite others into a relationship with Jesus like his. It hasn’t been easy. There have been times of doubt. But these two years of mission have been a blessing in many ways.

Another visit with students brought us to the home of a woman who wanted us to paint for her. She had others needs from our perspective, but that was what she wanted done. We try to meet people where they are on life’s journey, like Jesus did. Her dog, her companion of 14 years, died the night before. So, she asked us to bury her dog. We dug a grave, buried her canine companion, and joined her in prayer and song at the graveside. Meeting her in her needs was God’s call for us that day. Doesn’t life often invite us to find God in situations we least expect?

Each year the students I mentor, and the people we meet in service, serve us by opening our eyes to look beneath the surface of our own assumptions, presumptions, and biases. What do we see? Hopefully we see another beloved daughter or son of God.

Each Lent calls us to renew the promise we made at Baptism to see with eyes of Faith and “Live Jesus,” as St. Francis de Sales says. Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, VHM echoes this writing, “We do that by imprinting the Gospel, word for word, concretely, in our bodies.”

When we do, we are transfigured and shine with the light of Christ.

In a time where fear often replaces fact and can make us more self-centered rather than other-centered and God-centered, listen for God’s invitation addressed to us: I will bless you. You will be a blessing to all. You put on Christ in Baptism. You are God’s beloved son, daughter. So listen, trust, and let God transfigure you and me by living Jesus and shining with Christ. May God be praised!

Paul H. Colloton, OSFS

DeSales Weekly:

DeSales Weekly Editor: Rev. John (Jack) Kolodziej, OSFS
